We come to you. If you are in-need of a quick turn around time, your current certification has expired or you have new staff that needs certification or training, S&R is designed to fit your needs. We can arrange for proctored testing, instruction and immediate certification upon successfully passing an on line exam.
Though it is part of our business model to provide convenient, onsite and on demand ServSafe Certification, exam locations must conform to the ServSafe guidelines set forth by the NRA. Areas on-site must be private, safe, offer adequate lighting, ventilation and proper seating. Space must be provided for each participant. Be prepared to have internet access, laptop or computer available for each examinee for online exams.
R J Dopp has provided instruction and certification for large teams including multiple location casino/resorts, multi unit restaurant chains and new restaurant openings. With S&RJ, anything is possible.
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